Due Diligence

    Doing your "Due Diligence" ...ahhh one of most crucial, if not thee most important processes of Investing. Some investors will tell that doing your due diligence online is probably the best researching tool available. And this is very true, but there is only one slight problem, not all area's,counties and states offer online searches for property tax rolls. When needing to find owner's , how much the property cost, tax value's,purchased date and other economical importance's, thank goodness for the good o'l registrar and county records division of each area. If you are in lieu of due diligence here are a few methods that may help you with your searches:

  •  Tax Records - visit your local tax assessors building
  • Code Violations & Condemned list- this list can be obtained from code violation officials, law enforcement offices and as I found out the city attorney's office.
  • Compare sales of other properties sold in the area- county records, do your own drive by, only after you have learned the process to establish value yourself, 
  • Flood Zones - county records
  • Lien searches - title companies and county assessor's
  • Appraisal reports/ certifiable
  • Property Inspections / licensed property inspector
  • Property Finance's
  • Federal Tax Liens / Title Companies
  • State Tax Liens / Attorney's
  • Attorneys / City Attorney's
   As a reminder, keep in mind that these methods are only a number of searches that must be done along with many more, we will bring you more articles and posting's concerning this practice. If you have a question about D.D., feel free to email us and we will post a response that will lead you in the right direction.
 Reduce your risk and "Due Your Diligence" !

                                                                                                               Greg Hernandez